How to take action confidently?

We can become paralyzed by fear. We might drag our feet and put it off. We might procrastinate and ignore deadlines. Taking action is the biggest and best thing you can do to improve your confidence. Say yes! Try new things! Live actively! If you go ice skating and fall all over the place, at least you did it (and I’ll bet you even had some fun)! And next time you know how far away from the wall you can get!

Did you thought talk of “commitment” was only for people on the dating scene? Well, guess what? We commit to all kinds of things all throughout our lives. Girl, own it! Be strong. Be committed. If you’re doing YOU, commit to who you are and what you want to be. Don’t waiver from your dreams and goals. Don’t flake out on yourself—hold strong. When you find something commitment-worthy, really embrace it. Strongly commit to the things you do and give it your all.

How to love yourself unconditionally?

We’re trained to conditionally love ourselves. Like, “When I lose 10 pounds, I’ll feel better about myself.” Think of your best friend. Do you love her more or less depending on her weight? Does 10 pounds make a difference in how beautiful you think she is? No, of course not! We love others unconditionally, and yet, when it comes to ourselves, we’re super critical and harsh. You are amazing. You only have one body and one shot at life, so make it count. Embrace what you’ve got!

Confidence is a trust that you have the ABILITY, determination, and the will to do “X” (whatever it is you love to do, do well, and kick butt at). Confidence is based on who you are and no one else can take that away. No one can take away your determination or your will. No one else can take away your ability to live your dreams. This is within you and something you create for yourself.

How do I dress sexy for my man?

You may be dressing sexy for him, but it’s essential that you feel sexy in whatever you are wearing. It’s important that what you are buying and wearing fits you properly. And if you have insecurities about your body, try to leave them at the door when learning how to dress sexy.

I am in between sizes, should I order small or large sizes?

It is always recommended that you order the larger size. Most items contain some Lycra for a bit of stretch. If necessary, you can slightly alter an item with a professional tailor for the perfect fit. Each manufacturer has it’s own sizing chart to insure a perfect fit. Because most of our product selection has body hugging and figure enhancing styles, we suggest ordering the next larger size if you are unsure.

What are the different types of lingerie?

Women can be particular about their undergarments, and for good reason: ill-fitting lingerie is very uncomfortable, and uncomfortable isn’t sexy. Take, for example, underwire (the wire that runs along the cups of bras). Depending on how bountiful your partner’s breasts are, she might require underwear, or she may loathe it. If you’re seeing someone who prefers lace underwear, admitting, you have more options because you can get kinky. Some people don’t mind undergarments that may appear pointless (like a harness, say) or uncomfortable (a black leather bra) because it makes them feel powerful.

How much should I spend when buying sexy lingerie?

When it comes to budget, think quality over quantity. If you have less than $50 to spend, that’s totally fine. Simply buy her one very nice pair of panties, rather than opting for a poorly made bra and panty set complete with a garter belt and thigh-high stockings that are guaranteed to fall apart in the wash (although lingerie is usually hand-washed) and feel uncomfortable to wear.

How to buy sexy lingerie online?

Two requirements apply when shopping online: think about her style, and learn her size. Also, stick with a reputable store, and make sure to save the gift receipt just in case of the worst-case scenario that what you ordered doesn’t fit her — although you should double-check return policies when it comes to underwear. When buying online, since sizing can vary for brands and you won’t have a saleswoman to help you, while peeking at her undies notice what brands she prefers. Perhaps she’s a La Perla girl, or maybe you’ll notice she wears a lot of Hanky Panky, which is known for being sexy yet super comfy.